Q: Do I need to Join to compete at the events?

A: Yes, to compete at any of the BWA events you will first need to be a member of the UK Windsurfing Association (UKWA).

Q: Why are there 2 associations?

A: The UKWA is national association for windsurf competition. In 2009, the BWA was set up to deal with the unique needs of wave sailors. The BWA is the association responsible for managing the UK Wave tour. The BWA also retains a seat on the UKWA management committee ensuring wave members have a voice.

Q: How much does it cost?

Membership costs £45 (or £60 for a Family, or £30 for Youth/student membership). You only have to pay one association, the UKWA. Membership of BWA is free and automatic on attendance of your first event.

Q: How is my membership fee spent?

A: Part of your fee is used to fund administration, event insurance and individual 3rd Party Insurance. The other part goes directly to the BWA and is then used to directly benefit wave events and those attending. UKWA and BWA operate without making profit. BWA role is to make sure that members fees are spent proportionately. Most of the events operate at a loss. BWA team are wave sailing enthusiasts who are passionate about the UK Wave Tour and receive no payment for the service they provide.

Q: How do I join?

A: Online here: http://ukwindsurfing.com/membership/

If you have ANY further questions or experience any problems when joining then contact: nigel@britishwavesailingassociation.com