bwa results

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2011 BWA Championship Results

2011 BWA Championship Results

Pros Wales Ireland Scotland England Points Discard Final points Position

Ben Proffitt (SimmerStyle) 2 0.7 0.7 2 5.4 2 3.4 1
Phil Horrocks (JP) 0.7 2 3 6.5 12.2 6.5 5.7 2
Andy Chambers (JP, Pryde) 3 3 5 10.5 21.5 10.5 11 3
Adam Lewis 4 4 7 4 19 7 12 4
James Cox (Quatro, Lifeboat Tea) 5 7.5 9.5 14.5 36.5 14.5 22 5
Sam Neal (Goya) 5 7.5 13.5 10.5 36.5 13.5 23 6
George Shillito (Starboard, Tushingham) 7.5 6 11.5 10.5 35.5 11.5 24 7
Chris Murray (Starboard, Tushingham) 10.5 14 9.5 6.5 40.5 14 26.5 8
Jamie Hancock 23 23 8 0.7 54.7 0 54.7 9
Timo Mullen (Starboard,Black Project) 23 23 6 3 55 0 55 10
Andy King (Goya) 23 23 4 6.5 56.5 0 56.5 11
Jack Hunt 23 23 13.5 6.5 66 0 66 12
Michael Archer (Moo) 10.5 10.5 23 23 67 0 67 13=
* Brian Martinez-Perez (Pryde) 10.5 10.5 23 23 67 0 67 13=
Alan Jackson (Starboard, Tushingham) 10.5 23 11.5 23 68 0 68 15
John Skye (RRD) 23 23 2 23 71 0 71 16
Rob Jones (JP,Pryde) 23 5 23 23 74 0 74 17
Sam Darkin (Fanatic, North) 23 23 15 14.5 75.5 0 75.5 18
Adam Simms (RRD,RRD) 7.5 23 23 23 76.5 0 76.5 19
* Martin Ten Hoeve (Mistral) 23 10.5 23 23 79.5 0 79.5 20=
Mike Clancy (Starboard) 23 10.5 23 23 79.5 0 79.5 20=
Dave Horrocks 23 23 23 10.5 79.5 0 79.5 20=
Oisin Van Gelderen (JP, Pryde) 23 14 23 23 83 0 83 23=
* Griffin Freysinger (Mistral) 23 14 23 23 83 0 83 23=
Nick Moffatt (Simmer) 23 23 23 14.5 83.5 0 83.5 25=
* Marcus Rydberg 23 23 23 14.5 83.5 0 83.5 25=

Ams Wales Ireland Scotland England Points Discard Final points Position

Aleksy Gayda 0.7 0.7 0.7 8.5 10.6 8.5 2.1 1
Lewis Merrony 4 3 2 8.5 17.5 8.5 9 2
Alfie Hart 10 4 4 29 47 29 18 3
Jeff Scott 14 5 7.5 8.5 35 14 21 4
Jim Brookes 5.5 10 7.5 29 52 29 23 5
Craig Hamilton 14 7.5 9.5 29 60 29 31 6
Russ Jenkins 14 10 11.5 29 64.5 29 35.5 7
Stefan Hilder 5.5 7.5 51 8.5 72.5 0 72.5 8
Jon Kershaw 7.5 10 51 29 97.5 0 97.5 9
Emile Kott 3 6 51 51 111 0 111 10
George Bolwell 2 51 51 8.5 112.5 0 112.5 11
Nathan Saville 7.5 51 51 29 138.5 0 138.5 12
James Savage 51 51 9.5 29 140.5 0 140.5 13
Duncan Dumbreck 10 51 51 29 141 0 141 14
Niall Melon 51 2 51 51 155 0 155 15
Scott McDowell 51 51 3 51 156 0 156 16
Ian Gibson 51 51 5 51 158 0 158 17
David Evans 51 51 6 51 159 0 159 18
Steve Jarvis 51 51 51 8.5 161.5 0 161.5 19=
Robert Sheldon 51 51 51 8.5 161.5 0 161.5 19=
Duncan Sheldon 51 51 51 8.5 161.5 0 161.5 19=
Will Rogers 51 51 51 8.5 161.5 0 161.5 19=
Ed Chapman 51 51 51 8.5 161.5 0 161.5 19=
Ryan Humphrey 51 51 51 8.5 161.5 0 161.5 19=
George Simmonds 51 51 51 8.5 161.5 0 161.5 19=
Will Barrett 51 51 51 8.5 161.5 0 161.5 19=
Constantin Gross 51 51 51 8.5 161.5 0 161.5 19=
Joe Shuttleworth 51 51 51 8.5 161.5 0 161.5 19=
Alex Tritten 10 51 51 51 163 0 163 29
Geithin Edwards 51 51 11.5 51 164.5 0 164.5 30
Max Rowe 12 51 51 51 165 0 165 31
Stuart Kelly 51 51 13 51 166 0 166 32
Henry Rockevans 51 51 51 16.5 169.5 0 169.5 33
Andrew Heath 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Julian Leach 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Dan Macaulay 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Andy Heighton-Jackson 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Mike Ellis 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Tom Hanbury 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
James Underwood 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Greg Bowden 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Tom Malin 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Steve Wood 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Sam Burnett 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Jonathan Price 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Tom Firth 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Ed Shearer 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Andy Bushnell 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Anthony Lindley 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=
Simon Gawlor 51 51 51 29 182 0 182 34=

Women Wales Ireland Scotland England Points Discard Final points Position

Sarah Bibby (Simmer) 0.7 0.7 16 2 19.4 0 19.4 1
Kariina Pirhonen (Pryde) 2 16 3 6.5 27.5 0 27.5 2
Debbie Kennedy 16 16 0.7 6.5 39.2 0 39.2 3
Megan Gayda 3 16 16 6.5 41.5 0 41.5 4
Lucy Robson (Pryde, JP) 16 16 16 0.7 48.7 0 48.7 5
Sophia Gilje (Pryde) 16 16 2 16 50 0 50 6=
Katie McAnena (Simmer,Moo) 16 2 16 16 50 0 50 6=
Jo Wright (Starboard, Tushingham) 16 16 16 3 51 0 51 8
Eilidh Sutherland 16 16 4 16 52 0 52 9=
Lucy Arthur 16 16 16 4 52 0 52 9=
Tanya Saleh 16 16 16 6.5 54.5 0 54.5 11
Amy Carter 16 16 16 10.5 58.5 0 58.5 12=
Julia Slack 16 16 16 10.5 58.5 0 58.5 12=
Katharina Gross 16 16 16 10.5 58.5 0 58.5 12=
Emma Ray 16 16 16 10.5 58.5 0 58.5 12=

Youth Wales Ireland Scotland England Points Discard Final points Position

Tom Bennet Lloyd 0.7 8 0.7 2 11.4 0 11.4 1
Liam Ellis 2 0.7 8 8 18.7 0 18.7 2
Luke Raistrick 8 8 8 0.7 24.7 0 24.7 3
David Taylor 8 8 2 8 26 0 26 4
Torin Prescott 8 8 3 8 27 0 27 5=
Matt Cox 8 8 8 3 27 0 27 5=
Ashley Couchman 8 8 8 8 32 0 32 6

Masters Wales Ireland Scotland England Points Discard Final points Position

Mark Lloyd 0.7 2 0.7 0.7 4.1 2 2.1 1
Danny Geereedhary 5 3 10.5 5 23.5 10.5 13 2
Lee Medway 23 5 10.5 5 43.5 0 43.5 3
Dave White 23 0.7 4 23 50.7 0 50.7 4
Chris Goldfinch 4 4 23 23 54 0 54 5
Gerry Willcock 2 23 10.5 23 58.5 0 58.5 7
Stu Tilbury 23 23 10.5 5 61.5 0 61.5 8
Chris Willcock 3 23 14.5 23 63.5 0 63.5 9
Davey Edmiston 23 23 2 23 71 0 71 10=
Bill Dines 23 23 23 2 71 0 71 10=
Keith Shorrock 23 23 3 23 72 0 72 12
Iain Overington 23 23 23 3 72 0 72 13
Nick Cox 23 23 23 4 73 0 73 14
Dave Gayda 23 23 5 23 74 0 74 15
Chris Jackson 23 23 23 5 74 0 74 16
Mark Perkins 23 23 23 5 74 0 74 17
Simon Brook 23 23 6 23 75 0 75 18
Johnny Greatrex 23 23 7.5 23 76.5 0 76.5 19
Damien DeBacker 23 23 7.5 23 76.5 0 76.5 20
Keith Taylor 23 23 14.5 23 83.5 0 83.5 21
Pete Darkin 23 23 14.5 23 83.5 0 83.5 22
Adam Brash 23 23 14.5 23 83.5 0 83.5 23

Prepared by N Treacy on behalf of BWA. All queries should be addressed to nigel[at]

Sponsor tags are only placed on sailors represented by members of Sponsor's pool and limited to Pros and Women fleets.

1. Discards: each rider is entitled to 1 discard only after gaining 4 x complete results

2. DNE = Total entries for year +1

3. DNF = Total entries for year

ENTRIES Wales Ireland Scotland England Total %

Pros 12 15 15 16 58 28%

Ams 15 11 14 41 81 40%

Ladies 3 2 4 12 21 10%

Yth 2 1 3 3 9 4%

Masters 5 5 16 9 35 17%

Total 37 34 52 81 204


Pros 26

Ams 50

Ladies 15

Jr 7

Masters 22

Total 120